Archiwum aktualności

Archiwum aktualności


  • 23.12.2019


    23-12-2019 10:08:12 | Current | EIB | 16/2019Management Board of ESKIMOS S.A. with its registered office in Konstancin-Jeziorna at ul. Podgórskij 4, 05-520 Konstancin-Jeziorna (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), acting on the basis of Art. Article 399(1) and Article 11(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1250/1 398 of the Commercial Companies Code (hereinafter referred to as "KSH"), hereby convenes the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "General Meeting") and in accordance with the wording of Article 101 TFEU. 4022 KSH provides the following informatio
    mpany's Board of Directors shall convene the General Meeting on 23 January 2020 at 12.00 in Warsaw (00-872), at ul. Cool 48 curl. 89, in the Notary Office of Anna Matla-Pietrzak, Monika Nyczak-Kulikowska, with the following agenda:
    1. Opening of the Assembly
    .2. Withdrawal from the appointment of the Cruel Commission
    .3. Election of the President of the Assembly
    .4. Declaration of regularity of the convening of the Assembly and its capacity to adopt resolutions
    .5. Adoption of the agenda.
    6. Presentation of the Supervisory Board's assessment of the compatibility of the financial statements and the activity reports with the books and documents, as well as the facts, and the management's conclusions on the distribution of the Company's profit for 2018
    .7. Consideration and approval of the Management Board's report on the Company's activities and the financial statements for the financial year 2018
    .8. Adoption of a resolution on the division of the Company's profit achieved in the financial year 2018
    .9. Discharge to the Members of the Management Board of the Company from the performance of their duties in the financial year 201
    8.10. Discharge to the Members of the Supervisory Board of the Company in the performance of their duties in the financial year 2018
    .11. Adoption of a resolution amending the Company's Statute
    .12. Adoption of a resolution on the adoption of the text of the Single Statute of the Company
    .13. Closing of the general meeting.

    ulation (EC) No 1250/1999 4061 § 1 KSH the day of registration of participation in the General Meeting falls on sixteen days before the date of the General Meeting, i.e. the date of registration of participation in the General Meeting. as at 07 January 2020. Only persons who are Shareholders of the Company on 07 January 2020, i.e. the Company,[100) have the right to participate in the General Meeting. on the date of registration of participation in the Gene
    ral Meeting.The Shareholder for participation in the General Meeting should request, no earlier than after the announcement of the convening of the General Meeting and no later than the first weekday after the date of registration participation in the General Meeting, that is to say, no later than 08 January 2020, from the entity holding the securities account issuing a named certificate on the right to participate in the General Meeting. The certificate should contain all the information referred to in Article 10(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1250/1999. 4063 § 3 KSH., that is:1) t
    he company (name), registered office, address and stamp of the issuing person and the number of ce
    rtificates,2) the n
    umber of shares,3) the typ
    e and code of shares,4) the company (name), registered office and address of th
    e company that issued shares,5)
    the nominal value of the shares,6) the name or company (name) of the
    entitled shares,7) established (place of residence) and address of the enti
    tled share,8) the purpose of issuing th
    e certificate,9) the date and place of issue of the
    certificate,10) the signature of the person authorized to issue the c
    ertificate. List of Shareholders entitled to participate in the General Meeting, the Management Board of the Company shall determine on the basis of a list drawn up by the National Securities Depository S.A. accordance with the rules on trading in financial instruments.

    S1. Information on the shareholder's right to request the inclusion of certain matters on the agenda of the G
    eneral Meeting shareholder or shareholders who represent at least one twentieth of the Company's share capital may request the placement of on the agenda of the General Meeting. The shareholder's or Shareholders' request should be notified to the Company's Board of Directors no later than twenty-one days before the scheduled date of the General Meeting, i.e. the date on which the Shareholders or shareholders have been notified. no later than 02 January 2020. The req
    uest should contain a justification or draft resolution on the proposed agenda item. The request may be made in writing (i.e. served in person with confirmation of submission or sent to the Company with confirmation of receipt and confirmation of receipt) to the following address: ESKIMOS S.A., Office of the Management Board, ul. Cool 48/26, 00-872 Warsaw or in electronic form (e-mail) by sending an e-mail to the indicated e-mail address: "". The date o
    f its entry into the Company will be provided by the time limit for submitting the above request and, if the electronic form is used, the date of the above request in the Company's e-mail system (receipt to the Company's postal server). This request may be made by means of a properly completed and signed relevant form taken from the Company's website, whereby the electronic form requires the sending of a form and any attached documents as pdf-format attachments. The Company's website contains a separate form for shareholders who are a natural person and separate to shareholders other than natural persons.

    The shareholder or shareholders requesting the inclusion of certain matters on the agenda must provide, together with the request, documents proving their identity and the power to request the inclusion of certain matters on the general agenda the Congregation, in particular:1)
    a deposit certificate or a certificate of the right to participate in the General Meeting of the Company issued by the entity holding the securities account in accordance with the rules on trading in financial instruments, confirming that its addressee is a Shareholder of the Company and has an adequate number of shares at the date of filing
    of the request,2) in the case of a Shareholder who is a natural person , a copy of an ID card, passport or other proof document identity,
    3) in the case of a Shareholder other than a natural person , a copy of the current copy from the relevant register or other document confirming the authorization to represent the Sharehold
    er,4) in the event of a request by the representative – a copy of the power of attorney document signed by the shareholder, or by persons entitled to represent the shareholder, and a copy of the identity card, passport or official identity document of the representative or in the case of a representative other than natural person – a copy of the copy from the relevant register confirming the authorisation of a natural person (natural persons) to represent the representative and a copy of the identity card or passport of the natural person (natural persons) authorised to represe
    ntative representation. The obligation to attach the documents referred to above applies to shareholders requesting both in writing and electronically. Documents should be attached in the form of the request (paper document or pdf scan). The Company may take appropriate action to identify the Shareholder or shareholders and verify the validity of the documents submitted. The Management Board of the Co
    mpany shall immediately, but no later than eighteen days before the scheduled date of the General Meeting, i.e. the date of the General Meeting. no later than 05 January 2020, it will announce changes to the agenda, introduced at the request of the Shareholder or Shareholders. The announcement of the new agenda will be placed on the Company's website
    2. Information on the shareholder's right to report draft resolutions on matters entered on the agenda of the General Meeting or matters to be put on the agenda before the date of the General Meeting of the Shareholder or The shareholders of
    the Company representing at least one twentieth of the share capital may, before the date of the General Meeting, report to the Company in writing (i.e. the company's share capital). service in person with confirmation of submission or send to the Company with confirmation of receipt and confirmation of receipt) to the following address: ESKIMOS S.A., Office of the Management Board, ul. Cool 48/26, 00-872 Warsaw or by electronic means by sending an e-mail message to the indicated e-mail address: draft resolutions on matters entered on the agenda of the General Meeting or matters to be put on the agenda. These draft resolutions must be notified to the Company no later than 24 hours before the date of the General Meeting in connection with the company's need to be announced on the website. The time limit for submitting the above notification shall be borne out by the date and time of its receipt to the Company and, if the electronic form is used, the date and time of the above notification in the Company's e-mail system ( receipt to the
    Company's postal server). Applications of draft resolutions the Shareholder may make by means of a properly completed and signed relevant form taken from the Company's website, with electronic means required if electronic means are used send the form and any attached documents as pdf attachments. Draft resolutions shall be announced immediately on the company's website                                   













  • 12.12.2019

    Declaration of acquisition of the register lien on the property. ESKIMOS S.A. (PLESKMS00016)

    Declaration of acquisition of the register lien on the property.

    The National Agricultural Support Centre made a unilateral declaration of taking over the register pledge on the property. The object of the pledge was goods produced under the Price Stabilisation Programme on the industrial apple market.

    Rafał Wójcik – Member of the Board

  • 12.12.2019

    Eskimos Spółka Akcyjna (PLESKMS00016) Declaration of termination of the trade agreement of 13 August 2019

    Declaration of termination of the trade agreement of 13 August 2019 Eskimos Spółka Akcyjna (PLESKMS00016)

    11-12-2019 20:14:20 | Current | EIB | 14/2019 The National Agricultural Support Centre made a unilateral declaration of termination of the trade agreement of 13 August 2019. The agreement concerned the sale of goods produced under the Industrial Apple Price Stabilisation Programme.

    • Rafał Wójcik – Member of the Board
  • 13.11.2019

    Quarterly Report for Q3 2019. Eskimos Spółka Akcyjna (PLESKMS00016)

    In the attached PDF file, the Management Board of Eskimos Joint Stock Company transmits the Quarterly Unit Report for q3 2019.

    Quarterly Report for Q3 2019. Eskimos Spółka Akcyjna

    LEGAL BASIS: § 5 para. Article 1(1)(b) 1) Annex 3 to the ASO Rules of Procedure "Current and periodic information on an alternative trading venue on the NewConnect market.

  • 21.10.2019

    Annual report for the financial year 2018. Eskimos Spółka Akcyjna

    Annual report for the financial year 2018. Eskimos Spółka Akcyjna (PLESKMS00016)

    Management Board of Eskimos S.A. this annual report for the financial year 2018. All annexes annexed to this report form an integral part of the Annual Report for 2018. Annexes to the Annual Report:(1), Annual Report eskimos s.a. for 2018. Financial statements for 2018 (2), Management Board's activity report in 2018(3) Annual financial survey report 2018 (4).
    LEGAL BASIS: § 5 para. points 6.1 – 6.3. Annex 3 to the Alternative Trading Venue Rules "Current and Periodic Information Transmitted to the Alternative Trading Venue on the NewConnect market".

    Rafał Wójcik – Member of the Board






  • 17.10.2019

    Change the deadline for the submission of the annual report for the financial year 2018. Eskimos Spółka Akcyjna

    Change the deadline for the submission of the annual report for the financial year 2018. Eskimos Spółka Akcyjna (PLESKMS00016)

    Management Board of ESKIMOS S.A. (the "Issuer") informs about the change in the date of publication of the annual report for the financial year 2018.
    According to the information provided in the EIB Current Report No 10/2019 of 28 August 2019, the date of publication of the annual report for the financial year 2018 was postponed to 31 October 2019.
    The new deadline for the submission of the annual report for the financial year 2018 is set at 21 October 2019.
    Legal basis: par. Article 6 (1) 14.2 of Annex 3 to the Alternative Trading Venue Rules "Current and periodic information provided on an alternative trading venue on the NewConnect market".


    Rafał Wójcik – Member of the Board

  • 28.08.2019

    Change the deadline for the submission of the annual report for the financial year 2018. Eskimos Spółka Akcyjna

    Change the deadline for the submission of the annual report for the financial year 2018. Eskimos Spółka Akcyjna (PLESKMS00016)

    Management Board of ESKIMOS S.A. (the "Issuer") informs about the change in the date of publication of the annual report for the financial year 2018.
    According to the information provided in the EIB Current Report No 7/2019 of 26 July 2019, the date of publication of the annual report for the financial year 2018 was postponed to 31 August 2019.
    The new deadline for the submission of the annual report for the financial year 2018 is set at 31 October 2019.
    Legal basis: par. Article 6 (1) 14.2 of Annex 3 to the Alternative Trading Venue Rules "Current and periodic information provided on an alternative trading venue on the NewConnect market".


    Rafał Wójcik – Member of the Board





+48 22 754 36 01
+48 22 754 36 02
